Happy New Year!

Hope and anticipation

Each passing day brings us further from the holiday season and closer to the New Year.  2012 was a bear of a year with several life changes that built quite a bit of character.  There were the deaths of several dear friends, both people and dogs.  There were also weddings and babies and among all these trials and tribulations, there was Love.  

I look forward to the New Year with hope and anticipation.  Hope is what separates humans from the animals.  We cling to hope when there should be none.  "We may not be gods, but we do what people say can't be done, we hope when there isn't any . . . whatever odds we face, we prevail."

So for 2013, I hope for more Love.  I hope for trials and tribulations again, to make us strong and prove that no matter what is thrown at us, we can survive.  I hope that this is again a year of weddings and babies, but pray that the friends we lose in this coming year have lived long and happy lives and have used up every ounce of character that God gave them.

I anticipate struggles, but I hope I will have the support of my friends and family as I did this year.  I anticipate new challenges which I hope to accept and overcome with grace and wit.  

For 2013, I hope for one great snowfall and then warm days spent on the beach.  I hope for happiness and for when I cry they will be tears of joy.  I hope for new beginnings and peaceful endings.  But again, I hope for Love.

So raise a glass to 2012 . . . thank you for proving to me again how strong I can be.  And toast 2013 . . . we look forward to your arrival with Hope and Anticipation.  

And as Zooey Deschanel sings with the ever adorable Joseph Gordon-Levitt . . .

What are you doing this New Years Eve?

And for all fellow Elf and Zooey Deschanel lovers, a holiday clip with Auld Lang Syne in minute 4:

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